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​Welcome to Kansas Literacy Professionals in Higher Education (KLPHE)!

The purpose of this organization is to provide, through sharing of ideas and concerns, improvement in literacy education (reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing) for teachers in the state of Kansas.  This organization will act as the voice for the professionals in literacy in the four-year colleges and universities of Kansas on matters concerning improvement of instruction in literacy.


In addition, the following specific objectives apply to KLPHE:

  • To interpret the ideals of the organization to the citizens of the state of Kansas.
  • To work with the legislature and committees of the legislature to provide professional input for       decision-making purposes.
  • To provide a forum for program interpretation of literacy education in Kansas colleges and    universities.
  • To identify further issues and topics for discussion and action by the members of the organization.
  • To evaluate and recommend procedures for program approval and other standards for literacy education.




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